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Recipe: No-Bake Sweet Energy Bites

Modern Muslim Home co-founder Mona H. shares a super simple recipe for a healthy-and-tasty way to satisfy your sweet tooth.

No-Bake Sweet Energy Bites Recipe! |

You know how sometimes you just need to eat something sweet? For me, it’s with my tea. When it’s tea time, I get to finally sit down for 5 minutes, stop looking at my to-do list, and just relax. That part of my day calms me; it’s what I need to rejuvenate.

No-Bake Sweet Energy Bites

A super simple recipe for a healthy-and-tasty way to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Yield: About 2 dozen


  • 1 cup dry oatmeal (old-fashioned or quick oats)
  • 2/3 cup coconut flakes, toasted (I just put them in a skillet & stirred over medium heat)
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter (or other nut butter)
  • 1/2 cup ground flax seed
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips (I used dark, but any kind work)
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. Mix all of the ingredients together in a medium-sized mixing bowl until thoroughly combined.
  2. Cover and refrigerate for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Once chilled, shape into small balls and enjoy! Makes approximately 2 dozen bites. Alternatively, you can spoon the mixture into a baking dish before refrigeration and then cut into small bars once chilled.

Store in an airtight container and keep refrigerated for up to 1-2 weeks, but I promise you they won't last you that long.

Original recipe from Gimme Some Oven.


No-Bake Sweet Energy Bites Recipe! |

No-Bake Sweet Energy Bites Recipe! |

But what’s tea without a little snack? While steeping my tea (also known as dhumming my chai in Urdu ;)), I usually rummage through my pantry to find a little something sweet. A cookie, a piece of chocolate...anything really. Sometimes it’s just needed.


No-Bake Sweet Energy Bites Recipe! |

No-Bake Sweet Energy Bites Recipe! |

No-Bake Sweet Energy Bites Recipe! |

No-Bake Sweet Energy Bites Recipe! |

Since I’m on a trying-to-eat-healthier kick, this obviously isn’t the best habit. I know. But what’s a girl to do? I knew I needed a little sweet snack and I knew I didn’t want to just eat junk. I searched and searched...and finally came across the perfect thing.


No-Bake Sweet Energy Bites Recipe! |

No-Bake Sweet Energy Bites Recipe! |

These easy-peasy, pretty-healthy, no-bake energy bites are so, so good. I use the term “healthy” somewhat loosely here, because they do contain chocolate chips. But compare them to the store bought cookies you might eat and….yes, they’re pretty healthy! Oatmeal, peanut butter, toasted coconut, flax seeds, honey, and dark chocolate chips. Mmmmm.


No-Bake Sweet Energy Bites Recipe! |

The best part about this recipe? It’s really forgiving and you can throw in whatever you have on hand. Want it to be healthier? Don’t include the chocolate chips. Love raisins, crushed nuts, pumpkin seeds, or sunflower seeds? Add them in. Love chia seeds? Add in a tablespoon. You can basically toss in whatever you’d like to suit your tastes. You just want them to be the right consistency so if the mixture is too dry, add in a little more honey or peanut butter, and if it’s too sticky, add in more oatmeal. That’s it! The only problem with these guys is that you won't be able to stop eating them. That might get in the way of trying to be healthy,’ve been warned. :)


No-Bake Sweet Energy Bites Recipe! |


No-Bake Sweet Energy Bites Recipe! |

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